Years ago, before I started raising awareness outside of St. Paul’s, I went to a doctor for a health problem. The doctor wanted me to become part of a “study”.  I was told that some researchers were being given access to patients records in return for providing services to the medical system (sold/traded/bartered).  There would be a table of researchers, from different disciplines, asking questions.  I asked what kind of questions.  The doctor provided me with a outline of some of the questions.  They wanted to know EVERYTHING, including all intimate information.  I was shocked to say the least.  It really was a case of taking a sledgehammer to a finishing nail so I certainly didn’t feel that this “research” was for my benefit.  And, according to comments from the doctor, I was certainly not the first patient that the doctor had directed, or tried to direct, to this group.

I asked this doctor about privacy. I was told not to ask about privacy or I would be listed as being “paranoid”.  There’s that word again.   I felt, under the circumstances, that it was a very reasonable question.  But, if you want to shut people up, or keep them from thinking along certain lines, or keep them from asking uncomfortable questions, just call them paranoid.  It felt like intimidation, or blackmail, to me.  I said no.  And, knowing what I know today, I am sooooo glad I did.  But at least, in this case, they had to ask and I had the option to say no.  Of course, the politicians had already given them permission to steal whatever information was in the system but for any additional information they needed my cooperation.

My doctor said that we would discuss it again. I had said NO but gawd forbid that it should be respected.  I didn’t go back to this doctor for a variety of reasons, including not wanting to be harassed or coerced and not being respected.

I consider it unethical to try to manipulate a patient into becoming a lab rat by telling them it’s for their benefit, when in fact it’s for the benefit of the “researchers” and whatever company/organization they work for. I don’t recall being told what organization this group was with, the purpose of the research or how the information would be used.  Do doctors get kick-backs or brownie points or some other benefit for every patient they direct to the “researchers”.  As for my medical issue, I eventually figured out what was causing it, fixed it; problem solved and without a doctor.

I noticed, over the years, that every time I went to a new doctor, in whatever discipline (medical, dentist, optometrist, massage, etc.) I was asked my occupation. It was usually asked as if it were just “conversation”.  But when I kept getting asked the same question I realized that they were, in fact, collecting information.  Apparently, they just didn’t want me to know it would be entered into their records (to be shared with all the miscreants).  I also came to believe that medical people don’t have just general “conversations”.  All questions, and even some statements, are about collecting information.  Again, I consider it unethical to collect information under the guise of “general conversation”.   Now I have a little fun with it.  I decide what I want to be that day  – a pilot, an archeologist, a retail clerk …… and do the same with other questions.

In 2013 I became ill. I didn’t know it immediately but according to a doctor, I got sick around B.C. election time.  What a coincidence.  I had to go to a surgeon.  This surgeon started asking me a lot of questions which didn’t seem to have anything to do with my surgery.  So I asked and all I was told was that it had to do with my treatment.  I still didn’t see the connection so I asked specifically how one related to the other.  Instead of answering the question I was told that the surgeon had only so much time for me and if I was was going to ask questions right from the beginning, well…..  Then the surgeon changed tactics and said it’s about trust and if I didn’t trust the surgeon then I should find another surgeon.  So, either I “trusted” the doctor and did whatever I was told without question (be submissive/subservient, crawl), or I would be denied health care by this doctor.  The fact that she was refusing to answer a simple question didn’t instill trust.  In fact, it suggested that she was lying and was, in fact, collecting information that was not directly connected to my surgery.

I don’t believe that the majority of questions had anything to do with my health but, in fact, was information gathering for their vile friends, the scientists, the researchers, the suppliers, the marketers and gawd knows who else. Again, it becomes a case of collecting information under false pretenses which I consider immoral and unethical.  If it was moral and ethical they wouldn’t have to lie about it and hide what they were really doing, they would just answer the question.  So what are they doing that is so heinous that they have to lie about it?

Anyways, I needed surgery and soon (I was sick and vulnerable) so I answered the questions but not always truthfully. That pretty much destroys the value of the information.   After I left the surgeon’s office and had time to think I decided that I didn’t want anything to do with this surgeon who refused to answer my questions even if it meant delaying needed surgery.  How can one trust a surgeon who lies and won’t answer questions. So I got a new surgeon and I’m soooo glad I’m did.

I was overall very pleased with this surgeon. But the surgeon was not perfect and again it was privacy issues.  I wasn’t asked all the questions as I had been previously but then I suspect that the surgeon got the information from the previous surgeon.  But I was asked whether I worked outside the home.  Again that question.  I asked why the surgeon wanted to know.  I was told it was to determine my availability.  Well, if you want to know someone’s availability you ask how available that person is.  A person’s availability is dependent on other factors/commitments besides work.  So I believe the answer I was given to the question was a lie.  But I answered the question because, quite honestly, I wondered if the real purpose was to decide on the quality of care I would receive; how valuable am I to “society”, more to the point, the turdits and their friends.  If you don’t know the reason for the question, and you are being lied to, anything is possible.

The next question was, of course, since I worked, my occupation. Again I asked what this had to do with my surgery.  I was told that the hospital would want to know, which didn’t really answer the question.  I answered it but again not quite truthfully.  They’re lying to me so I didn’t feel that I owed them the truth.  I found out later that if the hospital wants to know anything they will ask (and they asked lots and lots of questions). They didn’t ask this question.  So why did the surgeon lie about the hospital wanting to know specifically my occupation.  Again, I think this was information collecting for the gutter trash who feed off the vulnerable, the sick.  As I left the surgeon’s office he said to me “so are you available? (for tests and surgery)”.  So, this confirmed that asking about my work was not about “availability”.

Also, my primary doctor had told me that a test had not yet come back. I asked which test and the first time I asked I was given an answer that was incomprehensible to me.  So, on the next visit I asked again and I was told that a sample of my DNA had been taken and what it was being tested for.  Before every test I asked what was being tested and I read the form I had to give to the testers; nowhere did I see DNA.  I told my surgeon about this test and the surgeon said that they never do that.  So, I went back to my primary doctor and asked “Was my DNA taken and tested for….”.  The doctor kept giving a non-answer so I had to repeat the question several times.  Eventually the doctor said “I don’t know”.  This doctor is suppose to have a record of all tests.  Was the surgeon telling the truth?  Which doctor was lying or were both lying?  Again, you just can’t get a straight answer from these people.  What are they hiding?

Did they take my DNA? Is my DNA being stored in a DNA warehouse, like they do with newborns, shared with all sorts of “people” and organizations (the US military love collecting other people’s DNA).  I don’t know and I should have the right to know.

While going through tests and the actual visit to the hospital, this was an issue that kept reoccurring – collecting information not needed for my surgery.  For example, the hospital wanted to know my marital status.  Why?  What did this have to do with my surgery?   They also don’t want you to have the questions beforehand.  It would appear that they don’t want you to have time to think about the questions, or they have some other motive.  For example, they had a 4 page questionnaire, even before I got to the hospital, and when I asked them to fax or email me a copy of the questions, they refused.  The only way I could get a copy was for me to go to the hospital and ask if someone would print it out (if someone would, in fact, do it).  But there wasn’t time because my surgery was the next day and they needed the answers.  I think of that as blackmail – give us the information now or your surgery will be cancelled.

Another example was the day I went for surgery I was at one location (I got sent to many) and asked to fill out two forms. I filled out one and, after reviewing the second, asked the purpose of the questions.  I was told not to fill it out if I didn’t want to.  So why would they give it to me if they don’t need it and why not state, when it is given to me, that it is optional?  Anyways, shortly after that I was laying on a gurney, with a tube in me and a medical person comes over and says they lost the form I filled out (I believe it was the form I filled out, not the other one) and she was going to ask the questions again.  I told her that I had a copy in the locker which was directly across from us, only a few arms length away.    But no she insisted on asking the questions.  So:

  1. Did they lose my personal, confidential information in about 10 minutes?
  2. Was she lying?
  3. Or both?

I suspect it was the second, or possibly the third answer. But these people expect trust and respect from you when all they do is lie.  Strange.

I also noticed as I went through the system that I would sometimes have the same questions asked more than once. For example, after a test, one medical person sat down beside me, as if she was my best friend (in fact, she was anything but), and asked a question that she had asked earlier.  I learned during my time in front of St. Paul’s that “pretending to be your friend” is a tactic used to gain information from people who you think don’t want to provide the information; it’s manipulative.  So, I learned to lie consistently on some questions or I changed my answer each time they asked on other questions.  I had no respect for these bastards who were lying to and conning me, who didn’t have the ethics or morals to state the real reason they were collecting this information.   I also started taping everything.  You may even want to take a camera, if possible, to protect yourself.

I also strongly suggest that you take someone with you when you go through the medical system. This person should be with you at all times, even, if it were possible, in surgery.  Otherwise you may find that you are asked if someone, a male, can watch a procedure.  You may say NO.  The person asking (a female) and the male may go off and have a little talk.  Then, when you are in the middle of the procedure and half-naked, you may look up and see the male peeking around the curtain.  You may realize that the male has been standing on the other side of the curtain, listening, waiting for the “opportune” moment, for him.  What do you call someone who would do this?  Certainly, you would not call it a man because a real man would never do something like that.  Do you call it a pervert, a sicko, a voyeur, human garbage. You may be going through an extraordinarily difficult time and then have to emotionally deal with the indignity, the humiliation of a pervert(s).  And if he was told to do it then do you have two perverts, two pieces of human garbage?  And just think what someone(s) like this is learning and will do to the next patient.  These people do not respect the word NO.  If you say NO they will just take it anyway, by whatever means, and they don’t care how far into hell they have to sink to do it.  And who spawns and raises such sickos?
A male said to me “I don’t care about you.  You don’t DO anything”.  Well, actually I DO something.  But why let the truth get in the way of a convenient lie.  Who else do they “not care about”.  It doesn’t matter what a person does or does not DO because all people SHOULD be treated the same in the medical system — with dignity and respect.

Also, when you are going through the system you may have two females strap you into a machine, half-naked, so you can’t move. Then they may take off (coffee break).  A bit later you may hear someone moving around behind you and ask who it is and a male may answer.    You may never see him, any part of him, or what he was doing behind you, or even if there was more than one male.  As far as you know it’s just him and you and you are half-naked and can’t move. Would something like this be considered a “perk” of the job?

You may be going through hell, vulnerable and sick but the more vulnerable you are the easier it is to be degraded, devalued, and dehumanized by these cowards in the medical business.

Aren’t there rules against this? But, of course, if there are they would just be words on paper, meaningless.  And these people insist on trust and respect.  But gawd forbid that a patient should delay the bastards coffee break; that appeared more important than the dignity and emotional well-being of a patient.

You should be able to feel safe in the medical system but you are not safe, especially a woman.

Perhaps I should feel compassion for people who seem to be depraved but I’m not there yet.

Right now, I hope there is a special place in hell for “people” like this.

And just think, one or more of these “people” may “take care” of you if you get sick.

I was in recovery after surgery when a nurse said to me: “your healthy, how did you get this illness”, as if I had brought it on myself (no one knows what causes my illness or so they say). Was she:

  1. grossly insensitive
  2. Collecting information
  3. Both

As I said before, I don’t believe these people ask questions unless they are collecting information. So, there I was, still coming out of anesthetic, susceptible, vulnerable.  What a perfect time to take advantage of someone.

A week or so after surgery I had to go to the surgeon for a checkup. It was at this visit that I found out that my medical information had gone into a registry.  I had not been asked if I wanted my information in this registry and only told after the fact.  I was told that no one, other than the next doctor I had to see, would access my information without my written consent (another LIE).  I found out later that I would be “tracked”.  So, I was now in a registry, being treated like I was a criminal, like I was a paedophile, because I got sick with an illness that affects no one but me.

After noticing the t-shirt I had on the surgeon mentioned that his daughter had visited that country. I got the impression that I was expected to respond with some comment about my family – I didn’t.  This question was then asked by the next doctor.

So, I had to go see another doctor (I came up with a number of names for him, the politest was, well, I’ll call him the “d”). On appointment day I couldn’t find this doctor’s address so I went to my primary doctor and the person at the desk, not a doctor, went into my medical files to find out who I had been referred to.  I mention this because I had been told by the office manager that no one had access to my information except the doctors.  So, more lies.

I went to the “d”s office, let them know at the desk that I was there and sat and waited. Half an hour later one of the desk people came and asked me if I was waiting for someone.   I waited for a moment while a number of sarcastic remarks ran through my head and then said “yes”.   I went into the doctor’s office and he explained that he had been delayed because he couldn’t get his computer to work, then he couldn’t get his printer to work so I gather that he borrowed a laptop.  The first question he asked was my marital status.  Why?  Did he want to date me?  No?  Well, I couldn’t see what my marital status had to do with my health care.  So, I told him it was irrelevant and he said it was relevant but didn’t say why.  Next he asked if I had family.  Why?  Did they want to know how available my body parts were before I was dead?  I told him it was irrelevant and he said it was relevant but again didn’t say why.

When he accessed my information in the registry I asked who else had access. He said researchers but they only want to count a number.  Well, if all they want is to count a number then there isn’t a need for all my information to be in this registry.  And this answer was different from my surgeon’s; and, as you can read in the next post I will get a different answer from the reprobates running the registry.  You just can’t get an honest, straight answer from these disgusting, reprehensible excuses for human beings.

He recommended further treatment but he only gave me the most minimal of information. In my opinion, only enough information to manipulate me into doing what he wanted.   I asked him where he got his information.  Basically I wanted to know his sources because this guy was not instilling in me any sense of confidence that he knew what he was doing.  He shrugged and looked at the computer; I certainly didn’t get the impression that he gave a damn.  He did not mention a lot of things, including side affects of treatment.   I had to ask and then he had to think for a few minutes before he came up with one obvious one.  Apparently, I spent more time researching than him so I knew there were other side effects.  Anyways, I said that I would think about further treatment.  He decided at the point that he needed to do a checkup.  Considering all the tests I had just been through, I couldn’t figure out why, but okay.  So he reaches for the equipment to check my blood pressure and it doesn’t work (or so he said).  So he decides to check my heart.  I remember thinking “yes, I do have one” because, by this point, I came believe that that was all he could figure out.  He placed the stethoscope in the general vicinity of my heart for a fraction of a second so I’m not sure he even determined that much.  I walked out of the “d”s office in complete disgust.  Health care should be a cooperation between doctor and patient, with the patient receiving all information necessary to make an informed decision about what the patient wants done to them – not a power play, not manipulation, by the medical “people”.

Shortly after my operation I was in front of St. Paul’s. I don’t think I was expected to be there again (presumably, there’s more than one way to make a person disappear).  Interestingly, just after I arrived a young male, riding a bike, told me, as he went by, that he had an illness (almost identical to mine, what a coincidence).  And he said “I give them (the medical people) everything they want or die”.  Another expression of our non-democracy.  This person had ridden by before my illness, throwing out negative comments, and was patted on the back by someone from the hospital.

When I moved I was told that the medical information is not transferred from one province to another.  In the new province I moved to I had to go for tests.  The technician asked in what province I had my operation, I told her since I believed they already had the information (in hindsight I shouldn’t have given the information).  Then she asked which hospital.  I refused to say.  After all what difference does it make unless you are planning on stealing my information.

A doctor asked for a copy of my medical records so “they” could “track me”. I refused. You should see the caring, compassionate mask drop when they don’t get what they want.  These bastards stole my information/body parts, they have consistently lied, they refused to say how much of my information they stole, who they would share it with and how it would be used (see next post “Collecting Information Or Not – My Story), but they wanted my co-operation.  Their level of narcissism is unbelievable.

I went to a different doctor and she asked a question. She was shocked at my answer.  I don’t know if it was the answer that shocked her or if she realized I was lying.  It didn’t matter.   She was just “information collecting”.  So, I just smiled internally and thought “touche, bastard”.  What comes around goes around.

Did some of the people in the medical system do what I pay them to do? Yes, and the occasional one even caringly.  But it’s like a priest that holds the hand of a dying person (at the patient’s request) or preaches to people about morals, ethics, and integrity and then says, oh excuse me while I go and rape one of your children or cover for those who do – besides being hypocritical, one does not absolve the other.  Or the mafia who kills someone one day and then gives to charity — one does not absolve the other.  You are still something that harms the vulnerable, the sick, the children even it’s by doing nothing but covering for others.

I’m angry because I wanted to trust these people, I wanted to respect these people, I wanted to feel safe when I went for healthcare and instead I got the opposite.  So, now when I look into the face of these “people”, whether I am seeing them for healthcare or in a pharmacy or in the streets or wherever,  I feel contempt, revulsion, and total disgust.